Looking to meet new insurance & financial planning prospects in the new era of social distancing?
We are the expert team behind 61,624,921 leads generated for 10,000 insurance and financial advisors – all virtual.
Learn PROVEN virtual sales & marketing strategies by coaches that have been

Aside from COVID-19, the REAL problem in the financial industry is that in the past 10 years, financial marketers have grown faster than trusted advisors.

IN SHORT: your ability to generate qualified prospects VIRTUALLY has become MORE important than your ability to provide trusted advice IN PERSON.
It’s not fair.
But it’s FACT.
We understand this deeply, and it’s why we’re out to help Top Advisors catch up, reclaim their position and build an incredible lifestyle in the process – even if you can’t meet people face to face for now.

the problem
The industry you started in is not the industry it is today.
Sure, the principles of investing, insurance coverage and protecting what matters most have all remained…
But the WAY you attract, retain and service clients has done a complete 180.
No longer are people making a call to sit with you, ask questions and handshake on a policy that turns into your commission.
YOU used to have all the information, facts and figures.
Now Google does.

And it’s giving it away freely to anyone with a wifi signal.
Insurance and financial shoppers are 82% of the way through the evaluation process BEFORE they even pick up the phone to speak to you.
Looking for a better way to get qualified financial prospects on autopilot?
What Our Clients
Are Saying

To make matters worse…
when they DO contact you, they’re sizing you up against 3 other competitors.
And if you’re online presence isn’t looking as good as theirs – they’re gone.
Even if you ARE the better advisor.
McKinsey proved that more investors want to do business virtually.
Now, it’s not an option – it’s a choice.
Sitting down at the kitchen table to chat? Gone.
Meeting up for coffee? Dead.
If you’re not prepared to meet virtually, you’re seen as a dinosaur.
Shoppers are savvier and using YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook to ask for recommendations to get financial advice now.

Percentage of respondents comfortable working with a virtual financial advisor
Somewhat comfortable

Significant numbers of customers – regardless of wealth level or age – are comfortable with virtual financial advisors
The Virtual Financial Advisor: Delivering Personalized Advice in the Digital Age

Financial bloggers are a thing now, with millions of followers, and they’re not even real advisors!

How has this affected you?
You’re facing more roller coaster months these days.
$10,000 one month.
$0 the next.
Referrals are inconsistent and not scalable.
People who do find you are shopping around.
You’ve lost dignity in your follow up process (actually, let’s call it what it is… CHASING people down), looking desperate and cheap.
Your book is slowly eroding into the hands of younger, tech-savvy advisors who just do a selfie video in a T-shirt and $400 sunglasses while driving their Tesla down the highway.
You secretly envy the way they can just show up and talk on video – wishing you could do the same.
To prospects… they’re looking fresh, clean, NOW.

You’re looking old, tired and dated.
Technology is here to stay. You can’t get around it.
You have two choices: Either learn it, or outsource it.
Ignore both at your risk.
But to your credit, you didn’t stand still, did you?
You tried email.
You tried courses, went to seminars, bought books and
maybe even hired a coach or guru to help you.
But yet here you are.


Many of the courses, systems or processes you have already invested in rely on COLD traffic to get an appointment.
C-O-L-D calls.
C-O-L-D emails.
C-O-L-D ads.
There’s no building up of your brand.
No nurturing of them to you.
No positioning of your expertise.
When the lead shows up, you have to sell them COLD, which means
going into a sales pitch about your experience, years of training,
designations, blah blah blah…
(C’mon, you know you hate doing that as much as I do – right?)
Wouldn’t it be better to just show up, deliver value to people who
already know, like and trust you, then close up to 80% of them?
But yet here you are.

And here’s the final, and probably
BIGGEST problem with internet leads…
- The ‘lead’ is someone who has NO idea who you are
- They put their information into a lead aggregators website with NO affiliation to you, and NO LOYALTY
- You have no clue what steps they took to become a lead
- This is quite possibly one of MANY websites they put their information into… so you’re one of MANY advisors calling them

This solution is based on the timeless principle of building relationships, just the way you’ve been used to.
But because it’s organic and online, it can happen 24hrs a day while you sleep.
The secret is you’ve actually ALREADY been doing this in
Now we’re just going to automate it.
Imagine your knowledge, skills, likeability and charm (yes,
your clients ALREADY find you likeable, that’s why they gave you their money)…
And having that work for you on autopilot.
And believe us, your target audience of investors and
prospects want to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you before
handing over their hard-earned money.
That’s what this industry has not figured out yet, but we have.

Darius and Carmen on the ‘Wall of Fame’ after just 7 Months using the Virtual Advisor Formula!
That’s what this industry is scrambling to figure out, but we have already MASTERED.
No travel.
No windshield time.
No need to even be there.
The process is simple, and anyone with a desire to succeed can do it.
Our process is repeatable, scalable and – best of all – 100% virtual.

So, if you want to finally solve that problem of having time freedom by speaking to pre-qualified, pre-indoctrinate prospects so you have a thriving practice on your own terms, you must have these FIVE elements in place:

You want the prospect to know you before the call

You want them to apply to work with you so you are seen as the expert

You want to control the process someone goes through before they show up on your calendar

You want to have exclusivity and authority in that person’s mental space

You want to be able to meet anywhere in the world you have wifi

You want the prospect to know you before the call

You want them to apply to work with you so you are seen as the expert

You want to control the process someone goes through before they show up on your calendar

You want to have exclusivity and authority in that person’s mental space

You want to be able to meet anywhere in the world you have wifi
most advisors believe this kind of funnel exists only in fairy
tales, so they resign to a life of in-person meetings, referral
begging, and expensive mailers.
Your Pathway To Your

Module 1:
Vision and Value
We teach you how you can build a compelling vision using neuroscience so your brain will be triggered to look for the way to get you the virtual lifestyle and freedom.
You’ll discover how to find the precise keywords thousands of prospects are typing into YouTube EACH DAY to solve their financial and insurance challenges… so your videos show up first to help them.
You’ll walk away with the precise ‘Arsenal’ of keywords you’ll then use to weave into your videos, descriptions and titles.
Confused about which product or line of insurance or planning to focus on? Don’t worry. Inside this module we’ll help you LASER FOCUS on your first niche so you can convert those interested keywords into obvious clients for your solutions.

Module 2:
YouTube 101
Perfect for newbies! You’ll learn how to set up from scratch your very own YouTube channel so you choose the right name, branding and positioning to own your niche.
From setting up the backend to creating a compelling trailer, you’ll be able to share that link with all current and future prospects. This will indoctrinate them to your content and help build that ‘Trust bridge’ into your funnel.

Module 3:
Building Your Youtube Brand
In this powerful training, you’ll unlock the precise scripting template the Britts have paid over $10,000 to develop to turn their channel into an engine generating 9 qualified appointments a day.
This scripting sequence will show you exactly how to structure your videos so people are engaged in the first 10 seconds, and stay all the way to the end, begging for more.
You’ll uncover the 10 ‘secret’ words to say at the end of each video that compels them to move from ‘just learning’ to ‘become a client’.
Did you know that 70% of YouTube views now come through Google’s recommendation engine? If you have the right thumbnails, you can convert almost any traffic into views. But if you miss this step, it could TANK your views, no matter how great you are on camera.
Next, you’ll learn how and where to shoot your videos so you come across as approachable, friendly and accessible. This will help you build trust with your audience so they will WANT to choose YOU as their advisor.
You’ll also get the precise tool kit we use to record great looking videos, without alot of fancy equipment… all for less than $32 bucks!
Discover the 5-minute process to take your videos through (which you can outsource to any video editor) that gets the best, most watchable results.
Learn how to ethically siphon off traffic from competing YouTube channels. Yes, this is 100% legal and extremely powerful. Now your competitor’s traffic can go to you.

Module 4:
Creating your Master
Class - Going from Attendee
to Applicant
Having a channel and videos is great, but what if it doesn’t take people to the next step in the buying process? In this module, you’ll discover how to build the next necessary piece of your funnel: the Masterclass.
A Masterclass will give your viewers and subscribers the next logical step in the education process. We’ll teach you how to script, record and setup your on-demand presentation so it prequalifies people BEFORE they apply so you only end up with the most qualified prospects.
You’ll learn how to use on camera and screen recordings together so it keeps your viewers engaged and paying full attention.
Compliance issues? We’ve got you covered. You’ll get our no hassle script process to help you along the way.
You’ll also receive our proven ‘Call To Action Close’ so you convert the most people from attendee to applicant.

Module 5:
Creating your Landing Page
and Viewing Portal
Swipe the exact same template we use to convert YouTube clicks to attendees into our funnel process.
You’ll watch in click-by-click training how to build and edit your registration page – we’ll even give you the template!
Copy and paste our proven process to remind people to show up to your automated class so you lose the least and get the MOST attendees there.
Discover how to tie together your entire revenue funnel using 2 simple tools so you can forecast your revenue easily with just one screen.

Module 6:
How To Qualify and
Close Leads
Build an application process that weeds out tire kickers and only allows the most likely to buy prospects to get through your filters
Watch how easy it is to create an online calendaring system that approves/declines people based on any number of filters you desire.
Looking for a better way to get qualified financial prospects on autopilot?
What Our Clients
Are Saying